
TheGainz offers completely free exchanges within the United States. When an exchange is requested, we will email a shipping label for the customer to return the product(s). At this point TheGainz is no longer responsible for providing tracking information or covering any lost or stolen packages; this is now the customer's responsibility. Once received, we will inspect that the product(s) is unworn and undamaged, we will credit your purchase upon inspection. If we determine the product(s) is damaged or worn, we will return the original product(s) once the customer has paid for the shipping both to and from us in a timely manner.

If you cannot find a product you are happy with, we do accept returns for unworn, undamaged items, and within a 10 day window of delivery. Customer may ship on their own or request a return label. Once inspected, we will refund the order value less the original shipping cost, a $10 restocking fee, and a $5 shipping fee if a label was requested and used.

Email us at if you have any further questions or use our online, live chat to talk directly with a human.

If you are unsatisfied with your purchase please contact us at